
       Brian Matthew Kessler
       College Mail Box XXXX
       Stockton State College
       Pamona, New Jersey 08240
       September 11, 1991
XXX-XXX 69th Avenue
Freshmeadows, New York 11365

Dear Ayesha,

What's up?

I miss calling you up and raising the phone bill every other day... for better or worse, I don't have a phone yet... My brother didn't finish the Sign of Baphomet and nobody is interested in a Satanic Cult... My plans to hunt for the Jersey Devil are still in the air.

(If you haven't figured it out, I am at Stockton now.)

How's school? I have too much time on my hands here... I found out the Morbid Angle show is not for several more months... I'll be in touch with you when it comes around... Depending on my wallet (which is still rather full and looks like it will be for awhile since there is nothing to do around here), I could probably help pay your expenses to see it, and if you need a placwe to stay for a night (or however long you want), I am sure I could let you stay here (strickly on the up and up, of course).

I am under the impression it is about $20 round trip from here to there.

I have become involved in RPG games here (by the looks of the members of the group, it should probably double as a weight watchers, but their pretty coll, if not a bit crazy).

I am also planning on getting involved in SSTV (the College TV station)... they are going to have a Horror-Soap Opera... I plan to try to get a part... should be fun.

I am planning to go see the Grateful Dead in Boston on either the 20th or the 21st, but this is still up in the air.

I think I promised you a copy of my article about guidos, no? Either way, here:

The Guido Invasion
If I promised to send you anything else, or if I mentioned anything else you might want to see a copy of, let me know and I will send it. That's all I can think of writing for now... I miss you and I hope to see you soon (although I have my doubts about the soon part).

Yours truly,

Brian Matthew Kessler

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