F1's Cube

F1's Cube

13 June 2000 at 9:37:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Imagine a desert: This can be a real desert you know, one you've seen in pictures, or a pure fantasy. Describe fully.

Ridges and valleys of sand.. all orange, hot sand.. like in the four wheel drive ads on tv.. clear, deep, blue skies, and a blazing sun. Explanation

In this desert, there is a cube. How big is the cube? What color? What texture? What is it made of (if you can tell)? Is it solid or hollow (if you know)? How far is it from you? Is it sitting flat on the sand, or in some other position? Describe fully.

Hmm, about a foot, by a foot.. and it has the colours of the rainbow all over it, like a prism catching the sunlight. It's made of shiny plastic, and is hollow, but the plastic fairly thick. It's about 4 meters from me, and kind of sitting on one of its points, because of the contours of the sand. Explanation

Now, in the desert, there is also a ladder. What's the ladder made of? Where is it (in relation to the cube)? Approximately how many rungs does it have -- many, several, a few? Describe fully.

The ladder is made of wood, which is worn, and looks like it's rotting, a bit. It's about a meter from the cube, and has probably about 8 rungs.. it's a ladder that has been used by a painter, it's got drips of paint all over it. Explanation

In the desert there is also a horse. What kind of horse it it? What color? Where is it? What is it doing? Does it have on a saddle or bridle, or not? If so, what kind? Describe fully.

It's a stallion, and is white, with grey flecks and spots. Palameeno, I think they're called. It's in the background, and is running through the sand. Explanation

Somewhere in the desert is a storm. What kind of storm is this? Where do you see it? And does it affect the cuve, the ladder, and the horse, or not? If so, how? Describe fully.

It's a whirl wind, like a mini tornado. It doesn't affect any of the objects, or the horse or anything. It's just off to the side, spinning in circles. Explanation

And finally, in this desert there are flower. Where are the flowers? Are there many, or a few? What color, what kind? Describe fully.

They're blue violets, just dotted in the sand. It seems weird that there are flowers in such a dry place. They look out of place. Explanation

F1's Cube (In a nutshell):

The desert (F1's life):

cliffs and gullies: dramatic events or emotional highs and lows
blazing sun: The time of day may indicate time of life, or portray the mood and "color" of this time in your life.

The cube (F1):

1"x1"x1" = small cube:

humility, selflessness, objectivity, realism, intimacy, preciousness (as of stone or metal)
timidity, undervaluing of self, literal-mindedness, conventionality, concealment, pettiness


of many interests or moods


"Salt of the earth", "Working-class hero"
Key words:
unpretentious, blue collar, honest, traditional democratic


openness to suggestion, interest in the outside world

4 meters = distance from cube:

Your perspective on yourself.

Sitting on one of its points (The Perfectionist):

Key Words:
Aspiring, Solo Performer, Driven
Stress, Rivalry, Depression

The ladder (F1's friends):

Wood: key word: sentiment
1 meter = distance from cube:
How close you are to your friends
8 rungs: approximate number who people your personal world (i.e., who really matter)
height: Taller than cube (infered from 8 rungs vs. 1" cube):
Motto: "Friends in high places"
Key words: admiration, humility, service, opportunism
paint-splattered: key word: collaboration

The horse (F1's lover):

stallion: Key words: bold, dominant, assertive, adventurous
white: key word: idealization
gray: key words: cool, mature
palomino (probably irrelivant since they are blond, not gray nor white): Key word: golden.
In the background: key words: a life of his/her own

The storm (F1's troubles):

dust devils (infered from whirl wind): key words: annoyances, psychological quirks
tornado (of diminutive value since you said "mini"): key words: unpredictable violence, trauma
No effect means the trouble isn't really major, and/or everyone is strong enough, separately or together, to get through it in good shape.

The flowers (F1's children):

violet: modesty, simplicity; reciprocated love, faithfulness
scattered randomly (infered from dotted): key words: on their own (probably other people's).

Interpretation confirmed as accurate by F1 on 18 June 2000.

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